Monday, August 31, 2015

My Little Achievement: My Before and After

After totally changing my lifestyle, here's my little achievement after 6 months of sticking to eating clean and doing regular series of HIIT, strength training, cardio and core workouts.

I have learned that in order to reach your weight loss goal successfully, you really have to be sincere, you really have to have a deep purpose why you want to lose weight. It's just not about "My New Year's resolution is to lose weight" or "Hey I want to lose weight because I want to look good in my new dress" or "Oh no, I really need to lose weight because I saw my friend on Facebook posting her pic wearing her 2 piece, and she looks good on it! I want to post mine too!" -If you view weight loss as one of these, forget it!

Don't take it for granted. You will NEVER see results, I'm telling you. Yes you will lose pounds, but you will keep on gaining them back. If you want some long term results, then know your purpose, work hard for it, stick with it, earn it, afterwards be proud of it!

Now, it's not just about having a 6-pack abs, it's more than that. My goal is to totally stick with this healthy lifestyle that has changed me not just physically, but my whole wellbeing. I'll stick with it FOR LIFE! :D

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